BunniesBackInYourCage is a 2D block based puzzle game where you need to lure the bunnies back into their cage. You do this by constructing a path to the cage with blocks then holding a carrot block to get the bunnies to follow you. The challenge comes from your inability to interact with anything that isn't touching one of the sides of your character. You can also only jump one block high. When you pick up a block you must hold it over your head, which when combined with gravity makes digging tunnels impossible.
My opinion: This game isn't hard, but it's also not as easy as it sounds. Dig wrong and you might find that you won't be able to access enough dirt to complete the path to get access to the carrot, cage, and bunnies. I quite liked it and think that while it isn't particularly original it's loads of fun and all difficulty comes from your own stupidity instead of arbitrary bullshit thrown in by the dev.
BunniesBackInYourCage is by Friedrich Hanisch. It can be found here.
Oh, nice, I didn't expect such a positive review of my little game! Thank you :-)